We live in a wonderful world that is full of beauty, charm and adventure. There is no end to the adventures that we can have if only we seek them with our eyes open." ~ Jawaharlal Nehru

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Spring Break with Daddy!

Can you believe it? Abby is already eight weeks old! On Saturday she will have her two month birthday! My little baby is growing up so fast! On Monday of next week, Abby is going to have her two month old baby wellness check up, this is the first one that she will have shots. I am not really looking forward to that part of the check up, but I would rather have a unhappy baby for one day than a very sick baby later.

Last week was Roland's Spring Break, so Abby and I were spoiled by having Daddy home more every day! Abby enjoyed being able to play with her daddy, and I think Roland enjoyed being home while she was awake and in a good mood! When we put her on her tummy time she can lift her head up and look at you! Roland love to put her on his chest, because she will look up at him! :) We are so proud of our little princess!

On Wedsenday I received a phone call from my mom telling me that my dad made an Abby Mobile or Ducky Car to race in the pine wood derby! The funny thing is that the car won the race! I guess ducks really can fly! :)

On Friday, Abby and I went to the Young Woman's spaghetti fundraiser dinner, and I learned how hard it is to eat while you have a baby sitting on your lap! I really enjoyed getting out of the house and being able to socialize with everyone, and have some grown up talk!

Yesterday was a very busy day for us, we hardly had time to take our weekly picture, but I did take her picture yesterday morning before our busy day! Abby and I went to Aunt Vicki's band concert in the evening! It was so much fun to watch Abby listen to the music and try to see all what was going on! I was so happy that she didn't cry through the whole concert, the only disturbance she made was when she got the hiccups and she continued to have them through out the whole last song! Silly girl!
Already eight weeks old!
The Abby Mobile or Ducky Car!
Resting on Daddy's chest and loving every moment of it!
Look how good she can raise up her head all by herself!
Loving up her some Grandpa Jefferson time at Aunt Vicki's concert!

Friday, March 23, 2012

A Sick Little Girl

Sorry this post is WAY late! Abby wasn't feeling too good this week, so I have been UBER busy with her! We think that she had a sore throat with a stuffy nose, so just a little head cold. Every time that she would swallow she acted like she was in pain! Nothing is worse than having a sick baby! After a couple days of getting lots of sleep in a room with the humidifier and giving her Tylenol, she is back to her normal happy self! :)

This week Abby has been getting a lot better at holding her head up by herself! She loves sitting on my lap or looking over my shoulder and looking around at all there is to see! She is my little explorer! Abby is also turning into a little social bug! She loves to smile and talk to everyone, and will start to protest if she isn't the center of the conversation! Also this week, Abby has learned that bath time is so much fun! She loves being in the water and splashing it around! I think that she might be part fish/frog/duck/what ever else loves being in the water! :)

Oh, and Happy First Day of Spring from my little ray of sunshine!
As you can see, she wasn't feeling that great . . . this was the best picture I could get of her!
I was able to get some good close ups of her!
She loves making this face!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

The Starts of a Gabby Abby

No smile for the camera, but I did get some cooing! I will keep on trying for that smile! I have seen it off camera, so I know it is in there! I just need to convince my camera shy smiler that it is okay to smile for the camera! :)

Grandpas' Little Girl

Six weeks already!? Every week when I take her picture, I am just amazed that another week has passed and she is another week older! I just don't know where the time is going! My happy little girl is starting to coo and smile a lot more! The trick is to get it on camera! Every time I try, she suddenly is camera shy! Silly little girl!

On Saturday morning, Roland and I had an early unexpected visitor! Roland's dad had drove all night so he could surprise us with a visit! Roland was so surprised, he just looked his dad up and down and said, "What are you doing here?" And my father-in-law's response was, "I want to see my granddaughter!" :) He had to wait a little bit, until Abby was done eating, then she was all his! Roland's mom had come up with the idea that his dad could surprise all of us by showing up for Abby's blessing, and boy, was everyone surprised! I thought my ears were playing tricks on me when I heard his voice, after all, it was seven in the morning! :)

Abby took a nap with my dad after her blessing . . . or rather it looks like my dad is taking a nap and Abby is just enjoying being with her grandpa! :)

Here is Roland's dad enjoying every moment of being a grandpa with his little granddaughter! He was a wonderful help in the "lets see if we can get Abby to sleep" job! Roland and I were able to go out on a date, becuase Grandpa babysat Abby! We went to see the Lorax (highly reccumend, by the way) and as we were walking out of the theatre, I turned to Roland and said, "I feel like we are newlyweds again!" Or at least married with no children! :)

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


Our poor little Abby gets the hiccups all the time! Roland says that you get the hiccups when you are growing, so I guess she is getting bigger all the time! :)

Wake Up Abby Girl!

This is how my beautiful little girl wakes herself up! I think she is so cute, I just had to share! :)

Eating Vitamins!

Check out this video of Roland feeding Abby her vitamins! :) She can't deside if they are yummy or yucky!

Hints of Smiles

This week my little Abby had her one month old check up! Her doctor said that she was doing great and was a very strong little girl! When we measured and weighed her, she was 21 1/2 inches long and 8lbs 13oz! She sure is growing up fast!

Here she is at 5 weeks old!
Friday, Aunt Nicole came to visit Abby and they took a nap together! Abby will soon be wanting to have a sleepover with her Aunt Nicole! :)

On Saturday, Abby went to Aunt Vicki's Solo and Ensemble! She slept through the trumpet (Aunt Vicki) and tenor saxophone duet AND the jazz band ensemble! I was excited that she slept through it so I could enjoy the music being played! I think that Vicki did great!

Before heading to the Solo and Ensemble, we had lunch at Aunt Katie and Uncle Josh's house. At their house they had a giant "dinosaur"bone and Abby was the same size as the bone! :)

Another exciting thing that happen this week was that Abby has started to smile a little bit! The first time was around 4:30 in the morning on Thursday right before an early "breakfast", it pretty much melted my heart! I can't wait until I see that big toothless grin!