Roland and I are looking forward to this February with a new type of excitement this year! Sometime around February 10th, a baby girl will join our little family! We have decided what we are going to name her, but we are not putting it up on the internet . . . so that is one surprise that will just have to wait for February! :)

We found out that I was pregnant right away, mostly because I just suddenly started feeling sick and was throwing up at least once a day. Roland figured that if it was some sort of bug, like I thought it was, it should be going away, and it wouldn't hurt for me to at least take the home pregnancy test to find out if I was or wasn't. So, one morning, I took the test, and guess what . . . it said PREGNANT! I was super excited! Roland smiled and said, "I knew that you were!" We did a little happy dance in our tiny little apartment! I set up an appointment for us to go see my OB, whom I LOVE, and Roland started plotting on how we could tell all of our friends and family! We decided to tell Roland's parents right before they left to move out to Seattle, that way we could tell them in person, we also told my parents around the same time. I thought it would be kind of fun to wait to tell our siblings for a little bit, because Roland's sister, Nicole (who is also going to be having a baby) was coming to visit us. Once the news was out, it has been fun being able to just smile and say, "Yes, I am going to be a Mommy!"
14 1/2 weeks. 18 weeks. 21 weeks, and 25 weeks |
At the end of September we found out that we are having a little baby girl! It was so much fun seeing how active she is on the ultrasound screen! We had to stay in there a little longer, because she wouldn't sit still long enough to let them get the pictures of the head and heart that they needed! It was love at first sight! :) It was kind of funny how, Roland and I had a boy's name picked out, but we were still decided on the girl's name . . . but it was almost right at the moment that we both found out she was a girl, we both knew what we wanted to name her, and it was the same name! :)
Ultrasound pictures of her feet, ears, flexing her arm, and of her spin at 21 weeks! |
I love being pregnant and being able to feel my baby girl come to life inside of me! Roland loves to poke at her and feel her kick back at him . . . I tell him that he should stop teaching his daughter how to "beat" me up! :) I can already tell that she is taking after her daddy, because she likes to "tickle" me from the inside of my belly just like her daddy like to tickle me, but I guess that is what I get for being so ticklish! She loves it when we listen to music, especially piano and Primary songs. Sometimes I think she is most active when I am sitting in church or reading the scriptures out loud, it makes me smile. The newest trick that she has learned is to kick the monitor and then roll over, when I go into the doctor to listen to her heartbeat, so the nurse has to play "hide and seek" to find it! It is so cute!
3D picture of her face, and a couple profile shots including ones of her pointing to her nose and sucking on her fingers! |
Once the first trimester was over, I started being able to keep more food down, which was something that I was excited about! The only thing that I really need to stay away from is Orange Juice, which makes me sad, because I love it! I have been craving like crazy chips and salsa, carrots, Chinese food, and of course ice cream! I get heartburn no matter what I eat, so I just live off of Tums and milk!
I have decided that the only thing that makes me happier than knowing that I am going to be an Auntie to a beautiful baby boy, is knowing that only a couple months later, I am going to be a Mommy of a beautiful baby girl! :) It is so much fun being able to go through my pregnancy with my sister-in-law, Nicole! I am super excited to be able to watch out babies grow up together! Our family is getting just a little bit bigger, and it makes me count my blessings to know, that we will be together forever!